Asian Humidity (Summer).

A common weather principle in Asia is Humidity and also affects weather here in different ways. “The weather feels Humid” is a common term and the effects are the human core heats up in Humid weather that then leads to perspiration as our skin tends to use this method to cool us.

So what causes humidity? at the surface begins a scientific process where the ground/water heats and microscopic water molecules are heated or released from evaporation and tree transpiration with heating being more active in summers. When this happens a higher rate of heated water molecule output is produced that affects humidity levels.

Heated water molecules usually indicate Low Pressure and being closer to the Asian equator in summer can cause more heating hence the creation of the Asian tropics and sub-tropical climates, lastly with the large sea expanses and the humidity process unhindered weather factors becomes possible as does also the effect of Humidity on a population. This certainly also affects the summer monsoon times in Asia. Lastly there is a correlation between High Humidity Levels in a area in summer and Convection at sea and land (Thunderstorms).

Humidity (Summer) pictogram.

See our chart above for reference to Humidity Factors.

  • High Humidity:Water molecules in a air parcel are at a level of saturation in that that parcel can no longer contain any more water molecules. For weather to arrive all ingredients including High Humidity must be in place.
  • Medium Humidity:Water molecules are 50 percent water molecules and 50 percent of other things like dust, air, pollens, aerosols, etc.
  • Low Humidity:Usually connected to dry and hot weather where high surface temperature rates although in a winter desert scenario can be linked to dry and cold environments.

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Humidity Cause and Effects.

Humidity levels also has a bearing on what conditions and weather to expect and this can affect us in different ways for example High Humidity brings breeding for Mosquitos that can breed disease, Extra Perspiring as we find ways to naturally cool down and produces Weather like Storms and Typhoons beginning at sea or land (If the right ingredients are in place). Many storms begin at sea in the Asian continent as the area is prevailed by sea and island areas and warmed seas create Sea Humidity.

There are other causes of Humidity for example unclean air from Car Emissions can create a hidden Cap and underneath this is trapped air, it will not take long for it to become warm under this hidden dome and as the air cannot escape then rapid warming takes place in the area the cap is placed over.

See our chart above for different causes and effects of Humidity.

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Humidity Asia Scenario.

We now move to a scenario based system to observe the science behind Humidity as shown in the chart above. We see over Asia 4 areas numbered 1 – 4 and in each region humidity is affecting weather in different ways. In our reference image in the Top Right we have Surface temperature readings, Surface Humidity levels, and lastly the Wet bulb alert level of the area and each reading corresponds to 4 areas in asia numbered 1 - 4. In the bottom right corner we have numbered each of the 4 areas that in turn links to the Main Left image where we see how everything combines in the regions to bring different weather patterns to areas 1 through to 4.

Humidity Asia Area 1 Nanchang CH.

In the above graph temperature also is partnered with Humidity with each affecting how a area may feel and experience weather. For example Low Humidity can be linked to Dry and Hot weather (Summer) as in Area 1 where a area of High Pressure has set over nth west Nanchang CH.

Humidity Asia Area 2 Nth West of Phillipinnes.

Nth West of the Phillipinnes we see a storm has arrived helped by Humid Weather and warming of the sea waters in Area 2. Trace the graph in the pictogram to see how temperatures and humidity are linked. Humidity can be one of the factors to determine sea weather.

Humidity Asia Area 3 Sri Lanka.

Humidity can also bring Rain of differing rates according to weather system duration and Humidity Levels and also brings cloud cover accordingly at the Nth East of Sri Lanka in Area 3 we may see a stray thunderstorm happening with brief Heavy Downpours in the region.

Humidity Asia Area 4 Pakistan.

Also we see the introduction of a new concept only just recently discovered Wet Bulb Temperatures and the Wet Bulb High Alert level as shown in Area 4 Nth East Pakistan.

When the wet bulb High Alert level is activated the Wet Bulb Temperature and Surface Temperature are the same. This is drastic as this then creates a situation where as it is both Humid and Hot as the Wet Bulb Temperature is at High Alert then the body no longer has the ability to cool itself due to the fact that your sweat cannot evaporate AND temperatures are high. This is a area of concern that has recently affected region 4 due to global warming and can affect Billions of people. This is displayed in Area 4 of the map.

In simple terms the Wet Bulb High Alerts that have happened in the sub continent areas in Hot Summers may prevent people naturally cooling down via perspiration.

As always in weather it pays to be informed and alerted to such things as a good way for the arrival of Humid weather is to prepare accordingly in a variety of Asian ways. We also find that the different states of Humidity affect the weather in differing ways and how we feel in Comparison and are linked to Temperate Climates of the Asian region.

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