Central Asia Summer Convection Rainfall.

Explanation of the Asian Convection Monsoon pattern.

As the region of central asia begins to warm in the April months a gradual change takes place. The areas of India, Sri Lanka, the watery expanse known as the Bay of Bengal and those surrounding lands begin the transition to the Asian Summer Monsoon.

It helps to illustrate this and in our helpful pictogram we see three subjects that help to explain the convection that often affects the East Coastal areas of The Bay of Bengal and also the accompanying Monsoon rains that affect a large area of Central Asia.

These Four defining areas of the Central Asia Summer Monsoon system are:

  • Convection.
  • Heated Land/Sea Areas.
  • Wind transports.
  • Evaporation/Moisture.

We see in the main Central Asia area in April of the northern summer months a Gradual Heating of the West Bay of Bengal takes place on land that then is accompanied by the monsoonal winds from 850mb to 500mb where all the weather action takes place. Due to the wind direction pattern (Low pressure) and the extended trough pattern over central Asia with heated air molecules that become excited and then rise and are transported by air currents into a cooler level and with the introduction of Rising Humidity and Saturation of the Mid-Level air column rain and thunderstorms will then eventuate across the Bay of Bengal. This is further explained in the Bottom Right inset where the area of Summer Central Asia Heating is in the Bay of Bengal area permeating from the Heated Indian Peninsula that in this instance has caused an outbreak of thunderstorms over the Eastern Bay of Bengal (Top Right Inset).

Wherever these ingredients are present instability in the weather system present follows so in the northern hemisphere Asia summer the monsoon heating system and the input from the South East Africa Anti-Cyclone winds combine to create this Central Asia Monsoon event in April the beginning of the northern hemisphere summer where the air becomes unstable over the central and east Bay of Bengal.

Lastly surface air from the south east of the Bay of Bengal enters into the monsoon weather system from the Phillipinnes.

This is explained in the Bottom Right Inset of the main image.

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In the image above recent rains from the Monsoons have replenished rice paddie fields.

To the East Bay of Bengal Storms.

In the convection stage of the Central Asia Summer Monsoon pattern as the Bay of Bengal waters are perfect for heating that is promoted by Summer heating from the West Bay of Bengal area travelling east-south east and South East Africa winds input from the south west of the system, then this Monsoon pattern releases water molecules into the air that then forms the perfect area for convection to form in the watery expanse of the Bay of Bengal.

Likewise also with the Transpiration and the Cap Inversion that might happen over some of the East Bay of Bengal areas this will combine to provide thunderstorms and rains that compare to differing rain and convective rates according to the overall scientific makeup of the explained north summer monsoon system and summer months. This pattern is shown in the Top Right Inset image of the main image where convective cells are placed across the Bay of Bengal into the eastern Bay of Bengal land areas.

Lastly in the final large image we see the vital pattern that is the Monsoon Air Circulation Pattern over the Bay of Bengal areas at between 850 to 500mb and Central Asia that distribute the Heating and Moisture across the region in April onwards of the Asian summer months.

We see also the teleconnection in the main image being the influence of the South East Africa Anti-Cyclone system (clockwise) that feeds in warm air into the Monsoonal Central Asia Monsoon pattern in the Asia Summer month of April onwards further heating the area of Central Asia in certain regions the Monsoon may affect with rain and thunderstorms.

The last determining factor for the Central Asia Summer Mosoon is evaporation and condensation of water as in the fact that air water molecules will rise into the 500mb layer in the area and then as they are gradually built into a air parcel via evaporation that air parcel then no longer fits water molecules in (Saturation). When the air parcel rises it expands and warms and creates Low Pressure, this saturated air parcel then becomes cooled then rain droplets and clouds will form. The monsoon system is ideal to produce rain and sub tropical low air pressure when the correct factors are operating in the region.

In the central Asia area the Monsoon is the idealised system that mostly promotes convection and rainfall due to the sub tropical locale and the land and sea formations in the Northern Summer Months from April onwards.

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Monsoon timetable Asia.

Please note the times for Summer Monsoons in the following table.

Country Time Year phase Monsoon Type
MyanmarJun to Oct Summer to AutumnSummer
Laos " " "
Thailand " " "
Cambodia " " "
Vietnam " " "
North SingaporeNov to Jan Winter Winter
Indonesia Nov to April Winter to Early SpringWinter/Spring
Philippines Jun to Sept Summer Summer
India Jun to Sept Summer Summer

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Asian Convection.

Thunderstorms arrive in place over an asian City.

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