Global Warming/Greenhouse gases.
- Causes of Global Warming.
- Effects.
- Problems with Warming.
- What can be done?.
- Reversal solution.
- Ideal Environment.
- Non-Ideal Environment.
- Carbon Cycle.
- Atmospheric riverways.
- The Cooldown (image).
- Greenpower (image).
Global Warming affects weather patterns. So what is global warming?. Global Warming is associated with the Melting of the North and South Poles so that the tremendous Ice sheets and glaciers that once existed there are now shrinking and being converted into Melt. In the Mountain regions of the Himalayas and Andes for example there is less snowfall as compared to 45 years ago. Greenhouse effects can sometimes bring winter rains instead of the usual snowfall also affecting snowpack amounts, and sometimes lower or bring the lowest snowfall rates on record in Mountain regions.
This then affects our weather through Global Warming when the Poles and Mountain areas do not offer the cooling efficiency that they used to exhibit for the Global weather system and our earth gradually warms, also important to not forget that global warming heats areas of our world by dispersing the heating effects around the globe in that summers can become even hotter and winters warmer in different scenarios.
What causes Global Warming?
Manmade actions and inputs into the Environment/Atmosphere. For example burning of fossil fuels and each individual/town/city on earth possessing what is termed the Carbon Footprint a amount of greenhouse gases output calculated from persons, products and companies. Burning of Fossil Fuels and each carbon footprint type can release chemical outputs into our air that drifts into the Atmosphere. It is these emissions that cause global warming. Overfelling of trees may also effect Global Warming as Trees can process Co2 in our air and convert this into Oxygen, CO2 is a main ingredient of Greenhouse gases.
What is the effect of Global Warming?
Once the global emission levels rise from burning fossil fuels and carbon footprint emissions then a invisible layer in the atmosphere surrounds areas of the Globe. This invisible atmospheric layer is coined the "Greenhouse effect" and what may happen is that the earth becomes efficient at distributing infrared radiation into our atmosphere from the suns rays that in turn warms the earth. Essentially the earth slowly warms from what was previous cooler temperature levels and lower greenhouse gas emissions. The rate of global warming has risen steadily over the decades as rising greenhouse gases emissions are linked to steady global warming.
What problems does global warming bring?
- The North and South Poles rate of surface melting increases that in turn causes arctic animals to slowly lose there natural cold habitats and become stressed or go hungry from a lack of food source. The melt also raises the globes waters levels in the major sea basins that may erode land and cause lowland flooding of coastal areas that where once safe to live in in seas and rivers.
- Weather patterns become more adverse as in more frequencies of storms in the sub tropics, frequent wildfires in an El-Nino, heatwaves become more prolonged and severe in summers.
- Moisture from warming is evaporated into the atmosphere that then forms Atmospheric Rivers these rivers can bring flooding to land areas or low coastal areas when a slow moving weather system affects a area with rain and low pressure. Atmospheric rivers are also responsible for the South Pole at times advanced stages of warming that increases the rate of surface melt (The south pole in areas warms not cools).
- The weather transitions become more and more unstable for example months or years without rain then suddenly in a 2 days - 6 week span large amounts of rain arrive in one area.
What can be done to address the problem?
- World organisations have introduced protocols that manage and monitor Global Emissions then from these recommendations plans are enacted that identify a strategic plan to lower emissions. It is this plan that helped to stem the effects of the Ozone hole getting bigger on earth (unrelated to global warming).
- Green initiatives useage of electric vehicles, planting more trees, establishing protected forests and jungle areas, recycling waste, recycling water, looking at sustainable ways to produce electricity, tapping into solar power for homes, mechanical ways to lower emissions outputs on vehicles, establishing protected areas of forests and jungles.
- Governments funding and advertising Green Sustainable Energy and Green initiatives to educate the public and business about global warming and provide grants for such things as insulated homes and solar power units for homes.
- The Public becoming educated and aware of the green initiatives and adapting the practices.
Can the greenhouse effect be reversed?
Certainly with planning education and funding and if we start now the effects of greenhouse warming on our environment can slowly be reversed. We mention the word slowly as the years of warming and the current state of our atmosphere will take time and effort to repair.
The ideal situation.

In the image above Greenhouse effects are lower in that the Plateau River has a collection of Ice Boulders and the water temperature is cooler. In the Rear the large Ice glacier maintains a firm presence in the area with cooling effects being maintained allowing sustaining of the ice sheet.
The non-ideal situation.

In this image above Greenhouse effects are higher in that the Plateau River water flow from melt has increased and the large collection of Ice Boulders melted from the increased warmth (unusual for this time of the year). In the Rear the large Ice glacier is losing surface cooling ability from increased rain not snow (affecting snow-pack) and as a result melting of the glacial area takes place that has increased the flow rate and water levels of the river below. This is typical of Greenhouse warming rising water levels and ice melt and a warmed environment from the norm.
The cycle.

Above a brief overview of the greenhouse and carbon cycle process that affects the earth.
Atmospheric Riverways.

The effects of greenhouse emissions sometimes show through the creation of Atmospheric rivers one such well known is "The Pineapple express" that can bring large amounts of rainfall to areas of California. Atmospheric rivers form from a warming air mass and air rising to form condensed droplets of water in a narrow concentrated area.
The cooldown.

Inhabitants of the Phillipinnes take tips to cool down in there April 2024 stifling Heatwave.
Green energy.

Wind farms are a Green Initiative to provide greener alternatives for producing electricity.