Global Warming above and beneath

Greenhouse gases have collected steadily over time and now the protective barrier that stops the earth from heating due to the suns rays is not as efficient as 100 years ago.

Over the last twenty years this seems to have influenced wildfires, floods, storm systems, hurricanes and typhoons and droughts.

Indeed the author over the last 5 years has seen a fluctuating effect of the adverse conditions caused by the earth overheating.

The equilibrium of the earths weather system is such that the cooling effect of the poles on those nations south or north of the poles could rely on more stable weather conditions pre - modern age.

With the steady polar regions melt occurring over the last 40 years this along with the ozone depletion affects societies, wildlife, coastal areas as seen in the above graphic as we see that the land-ice coverage of the poles has shrunk.

What can be done to repair this problem?

1.The Montreal Protocol is a unilateral agreement by most political systems of the world to eradicate those systems that put ozone depleting chemicals into our air.

This could bring a change forecasted in around 2060 that the Ozone layer may scientifically return to normal levels. This has been brought about by the ban on CFC's.

2.Things such as wildlife sanctuaries, nature park conservation efforts, tree planting programmes, and clean green schemes will help over time.

3.Worldwide discussions symposiums and efforts to tap into the science industry and then use guidance council from these to build better plans and efforts to further reduce the effects of global warming.